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ÀÌ ¸µÅ©¿¡¼­´Â ÀÌ ÀÚ·áÀÇ Ãâó¸¦ 2012 Baseball America Prospect handbook 8ÆäÀÌÁö·Î ÇÏ°í ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù

**Two plus pitches
**Average third pitch
**Plus/plus command
**Plus makeup

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Current examples of a Number One starter include Justin VerlanderFelix HernandezClayton Kershaw, and Stephen Strasburg. Roy Halladay in his prime. Greg MadduxPedro Martinez, and Roger Clemens were all Number One starters,

**Two plus pitches
**Average third pitch
**Average command
**Average makeup

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Current examples: for me, Zack Greinke is a guy who exists right on the borderline between a very strong Number Two and a Number One, as does Gio Gonzalez. Johnny Cueto has pitched like a Number One for the last year and a half but hasn't proven to have that kind of long-term durability yet so would rank as a strong two for me. Matt Cain and Madison Bumgarner.

**One plus pitch
**Two average pitches
**Average command
**Average makeup

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This is healthy Mike PelfreyJake Westbrook, Joe Blanton. Jim Lonborg. Brad Radke was a Number Three starter who became the default Number One for theMinnesota Twins in the late 1990s. Jon Lieber. Kevin Tapani. Jon Garland. Jason Hammel. Phil Hughes.

**Command of two major league pitches
**Average velocity
**Consistent breaking ball
**Decent changeup

4,5 ¼±¹ßÀ̶ó ÇÔÀº 2°³ÀÇ 50Á¡ ÀÌ»óÀÇ ±¸Áú°ú Æò±Õ ¼öÁØÀÇ ±¸¼Ó, ÀûÀýÇÏ º¯È­±¸¿Í 50Á¡ ÀÌ»óÀÇ Ã¼ÀÎÁö¾÷À» ÀǹÌÇϸç, 4,5 ¼±¹ß°¨À̶ó ÇÔÀº 170~80 ÀÌ´×À» Ã¥ÀÓÁ®ÁÙ ¼±¼ö·Î Æò°¡ÇÏ°í ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù.

Examples are legion. Old Barry Zito. Ivan Nova. Blake Beavan. Luke Hochevar.

Something to consider: fans are often disappointed when a prospect is referred to as a "Future Number Three starter," but that's actually a huge complement. Even calling someone a Future 4/5 isn't a bad thing: there aren't enough 1/2/3 guys to fill every major league rotation spot, and even if a guy is just going to provide 170 so-so innings, that's still valuable.

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20-80 ·¹ÀÌÆÃÀº ´ÙÀ½°ú °°½À´Ï´Ù 

80 - ¸íÀü±Þ plus-plus ¶õ ¸»·Î Ç¥ÇöÇÕ´Ï´Ù

70 - ¿Ã½ºÅ¸±Þ

60 - ¼Ö¸®µåÇÑ ÁÖÀü - plus¶õ ¸»·Î Ç¥ÇöÇÕ´Ï´Ù

50 - Æò±Õ - average ¶õ ¸»·Î Ç¥ÇöÇÕ´Ï´Ù

40 - Æò±Õ ÀÌÇÏ - below average ¶õ ¸»·Î Ç¥ÇöÇÕ´Ï´Ù

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He throws a fastball around 90 mph (tops out at 93 mph),a decent curveball,a slider, and a deceptive changeup. Scouts say that the changeup is his best pitch and is a legitimate out-pitch at the big league level.

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Ryu's fastball is basically as close to MLB average as a pitch can get: 91.7 mph with about five inches of horizontal movement and 11 inches vertically. Ryu hasn't thrown that fastball much, however, just about 50 percent of the time in the WBC. Ryu throws a nice circle change-up, which you can see because it moves down and away from right-handed hitters compared to his fastball. Ryu gets about a league average speed differential with that pitch and he correctly uses it extensively against right-handed hitters. 

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Ryu's slider and curveball are also nice pitches. His slider doesn't have a lot of horizontal movement, but good downward vertical movement, helping him keep it low and away to left-handed hitters. His curve features some nice vertical drop and is about 15 mph slower than his fastball, which is much more in line with the kind of curves you see in the big leagues.

½½¶óÀÌ´õ¿Í Ä¿ºê¿¡ ´ëÇؼ­µµ ÁÁÀº ÆòÀ̳׿ä. 

Ryu has about average big league stuff. With the right guidance, he certainly has the tools to be a solid major league pitcher. Sadly, I don't think he is likely to be given that opportunity because of his injuries and previous overwork. I would have my doubts investing in a 21-year-old who already has needed surgery. It is clear that he already has mastered the KBO, so if he is going to progress more as a pitcher, tougher competition would help. Japan seems like a reasonable option and, if he can stay healthy, maybe in a few years he might to make his way stateside. 

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4. Æ®À§ÅÍ¹ß ¼Ò½ÄÀÔ´Ï´Ù

"According to David P. (a Pacific Rim scout, @YankeeSource on Twitter), he could be a mid-rotation starter that has good pitchability and better stuff than Wei Yin-Chen."

¡°Ryu has four average to above-average pitches, (including) a 86-93 mph fastball with late life that he can add and subtract from when needed, a slow curve (75 mph), a tighter slider and a changeup,¡± wrote the publication. ¡°Ryu¡¯s biggest asset is his feel for pitching. Scouts have said that he would be a first-round pick if he was in the U.S.¡±

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177 MBC, MLB 2014³â±îÁö ´Üµ¶ ¹æ¼Û±Ç È®º¸ [6] ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ ¼ø¼ö¼Ò³â 01-11 2936 0
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