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ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ ¾ç¹«¸í 11-07-09 16:05
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The message could have been ¡°back off¡± or ¡°we¡¯re frustrated¡± as the Orioles lost their fifth straight game, allowing 10 or more runs for the fourth time during the skid.

¡°There¡¯s 17 inches on the plate. You¡¯ve got to use all 17,¡± Gregg said. ¡°That¡¯s what I was doing when I was out there. They¡¯re going to whine and complain about it because they think they¡¯re better than everybody else, but no, we have just as much right to pitch inside as they do.

¡°This is a team sport. I take offense to every run scored off every one of our pitchers. I take offense to every one of our hitters that¡¯s hit every time I¡¯m out there.¡±

¡°You get tired of getting your butt kicked every night when you come in here and I¡¯m going to stick up for what¡¯s ours and try to get the plate back.¡±
coby76 11-07-09 17:33
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ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ BeCursed 11-07-09 21:12
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