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13-09-05 02:59
ÆÛ½º³ªÄÜ royhobbs
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Perhaps all work and no play really does make Jack a dull boy.

3-time Oscar-winning actor Jack Nicholson has quietly retired from acting according to a new report citing sources close to the 76-year-old actor. The actor reportedly suffering from memory loss and has no further plans to appear in any more movies.

Sources told Radar that Nicholson has ¡°memory issues¡± and while many might jump to the conclusion that the actor is in the beginning stages of Alzheimer¡¯s, there is no indication he is suffering from any particular disease. Nicholson hasn¡¯t appeared in a film since a supporting role in 2010¡Çs ¡®How Do You Know¡¯ with Paul Rudd and Reese Witherspoon.

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